cali girl with new york dreams and libra tendencies.
Lover of travel, coffee, writing, community service, fashion, dessert, humanity, culture, art and live music.

A snapshot of my daily moments and musings that bring me closer to my dreams.
& some visual imagery to soothe my creative side.

get at me:

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Let me speak my Truth...
I have shunned so many things that have been leading me back to Christ. I have seen so much of Him in my life, trying to show me the way and showing me how I can change, but I refused, I turned my eyes & ears away refusing to accept and follow Him. I continued searching for fulfillment and LOVE in all the wrong places and in all the wrong people. I tried to replace that void in my life by filling it with things that only satisfy my flesh, yet still at the end of the day, wondering why I never found happiness. I continued to write blogs about trying to be happy again, finding happiness, and simply finding peace and being FREE not realizing that I was so wrapped up in my own sin that it kept me from being FREE. I opened many doors in my life that have led me so far off my path and have made me do so many shameful and sinful things. Today I truly heard the word of God and I realize that I've been living wrong for a long time. Lauryn Hill said in her 1999 Essence Award acceptance speech, "When you find enlightenment, once the light has been turned on, you realize that you've been in the dark for a long time." I have been in the dark for a very long time.

"It is not a burden to love Him and represent Him, and to be who you are, as fly and as hot, and as whatever, and to still love God and serve Him. It is not a contradiction." -Lauryn Hill

"Whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will find it" -Matthew 16:25.

Join me on this walk.

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