cali girl with new york dreams and libra tendencies.
Lover of travel, coffee, writing, community service, fashion, dessert, humanity, culture, art and live music.

A snapshot of my daily moments and musings that bring me closer to my dreams.
& some visual imagery to soothe my creative side.

get at me:

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Just wanted to sayy..

So even when I let myself stress out I remember why I love the life I live!

I love the direction my life is headed & I am talking about that in the most humble way possible. I am learning daily and allowing myself to take in whatever all the new people in my life have to teach me. One huge thing I was reminded of was the power forgiveness has. On the real though, it takes a big person to forgive YOURSELF first for any shortcomings or inconsistencies you have about yourself and then find the strength enough to forgive other people who have hurt you. They may not even have to know that you've forgiven them but to know in your heart that your gonna let go of that hatred, hurt and guilt and make room for better things is already a huuuuge step.

For anyone that knows me, they know I been through some fucked up shit. especially with the fams in the past couple of years...but the only reason why I can continue loving everyone in my life... even people who have LEFT or hurt me to the 100th degree... is because I've learned to forgive. Sometimes, we gotta get off our high horses, humble ourselves & realize that everybody makes mistakes. We are fucking human. Have compassion. Have an open-mind. Ask yourself... Who are you not to give that person the time of day to speak their peace? Who are you to think you are so much better than someone to simply forgive them? DO UNTO OTHERS AS YOU WANT OTHERS TO DO UNTO YOU ... right?

&& for some people, they see it as baggage.... but it's not baggage. It's not carrying people along the way when you've already forgiven them. I choose to keep a lot of people in my life because I've forgiven them already & forgiven myself for what went wrong. Have patience with people. Have FAITH in people.. thats all.

Lunch with the fams & loungin poolside after! Yeaaa, I'm lovin summer.

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