cali girl with new york dreams and libra tendencies.
Lover of travel, coffee, writing, community service, fashion, dessert, humanity, culture, art and live music.

A snapshot of my daily moments and musings that bring me closer to my dreams.
& some visual imagery to soothe my creative side.

get at me:

Saturday, June 28, 2008


The appreciation of pleasure can be an anchor of one's humanity.

When you sense a faint potentiality for happiness after such dark times you must grab onto the ankles of that happiness and not let go until it drags you face-first out of the dirt -- this is not selfishness, but obligation. You were given life; it is your duty (also your entitlement as a human being) to find something beautiful within life, no matter how slight.
-Eat Pray Love by Elizabeth Gilbert
An excerpt I found to be so true. For anyone who knows me, they know I love desserts and find it mandatory to always save room to enjoy it... They know that I find it necessary to always give yourself a day/moment/hour just to pamper and take care of yourself after a long week of work&school... They know I love immersing myself in the sounds of live music & poetry... They know I love books and the way words can speak volumes for people looking for an answer... And now, I realize that after still bein' stuck here seein IT & dealin with my current situation, it is ONLY NECESSARY to surround yourself with beautiful things. No matter how small, how simple, everyone is WORTHY of dessert, of the gift of music, of a new party dress with sequins, of whatever makes them happy at that very moment. It's funny because I've been told I can always find a reason to be interested in someone but now I know, its because I find the beauty in ANYTHING that comes my way. It is the only way I know how to live... for now at least. I went through a few years with everything just gettin ugly. Happiness was a luxury, but now it's the barely the minimum of what I know people are deserving of. Whateva your situation is, with the right mentality, you can make it a BEAUTIFUL STRUGGLE.

On another note... yesterday Sy &I went to a benefit Jerk was a part of for At-Risk Youth in San Diego called ...Still I Rise... featuring various spoken word artists & performers. It was a beautiful thaang, poetry, music, truth, talent. Basically, teens that are locked up were taught poetry and were allowed to submit pieces for this benefit. The best 10 were chosen to be performed by various spoken word artists on behalf of these teens. It was bittersweet to be in that room, to hear to voices of humans locked up, just tryna have a voice & SPEAK whats on their mind. But I loved it and appreciated all the local talent. If you get the chance, look up spoken word artists: Ant Black, Rob "Rat Pack Slim" Sturma, Judah 1, Eric Moraga, Jerrica Escoto, In-Q, Nikki Blak, Rudy Francisco, Simply Kat, Gill SOTU... they drop knowledge and insight for days.

Here is one of my fav pieces from Simply Kat.

beautifully human

You are not perfection

but you are beautifully flawed

to the women who carry more weight than the average


that this is only to cushion the blows

of truth wrapped in gut feelings

the chest, tummies and laps

of big mamma syndrome

that children rest there heads on

and make them feel at home

look at it as being built as a mansion

instead of a house

you are more comfortable to live in

your hair was meant to matt and tangle

shapeshifting into nets

to catch the wind

so you can hear the whispers of god

your hands caliced and perfectly worn fit into prayer comfortably

let every scar, poc mark, and hint of acne

show as a sign of your soul bubbling to escape your flesh

your skin is not smooth but neither was your life

so wear your scars proudly

because they hold the secrets of your past

and the lessons of your future

you were not meant to compete with airbrushed insecurities

hidden in the pages of the unattainable

you are more than a fantasy

you are a real person

so demand that you will not be just another page turned over

your freckled skin speced on shoulders

resemble kisses of angles

so the more you have

the more you have been holla'd at by divinity

walk hard

and shake the foundations of others

demand your presence with every switch in your walk

because it was a long road for you to get here

wear your traveler's feet unpainted

to show the lineage of where you came from

or adorn your toes with brilliant colors

to show that you are a queen from the sole up

your bitten fingernails gnawed through stress

to escape rabbit holes seamed with darkness

your stretchmarks seamed the world together

and you hold life under your naval

let no man tell you that you are not beautiful

when you are the only one that can give them breath

your swollen thighs and thick ass

are too much for them to handle

you mingle with angels in your sleep

and drool

to water your rosebud ambitions

hold your head high

with your gray strands

thinning curls

platinum locks

or bodacious weaves

because you paid a price to look this good

your lips chapped from truth syrum swallowed

mouth crooked and purged

from pushing freedom from behind your teeth

gapped to part soilders Blood

Crypt-ed in cross walks

you talk street slang

to communicate with those who need prayer the most

you are the most beautifully written version of woman

no, you are not perfect

you are beautifully human

Beautiful isn't it? :) Afterwards, Dainee & I went to eat at Osaka and had some good conversation. I love that girl. We get each other, alot. After that I met up with my bro, Johnny, Roseanne and her roommate for the 311 & SnoopDogg concert for $10 bucks. Got to watch the 311 set, not much of Snoop Dogg! But sall gooood.

So thats life so far. Fatty post but whatevs! Enjoy the weekend folks.

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