cali girl with new york dreams and libra tendencies.
Lover of travel, coffee, writing, community service, fashion, dessert, humanity, culture, art and live music.

A snapshot of my daily moments and musings that bring me closer to my dreams.
& some visual imagery to soothe my creative side.

get at me:

Monday, June 16, 2008

Nothing is gonna get me down today...

Aaah, to the beautiful days of summer that lie ahead. It's already gotten off to an amazing start and I don't intend for it to be anything less than AMAZING! :) :)

After my last finals and days at work, I packed up my room and headed to norcal with Lily, Carol, BigSis & Michelle. 1st stop, Stockton to Lily's sisters house. I love her nieces and nephews! They remind me so much of my brother and I when we were younger. 2nd stops) Target + the City! I wish we had more time to run around the city but it was fun nonetheless. Livia met up with us too which leads us to our 3rd stop) Livia's house. Borrowed some dresses from her and hung out for a bit in her sick ass room that has sick ass shit. Hahaha 4th stop) Davis Chi Delta Theta Formal. Yay for the third KVANG to be pledge mom! & congrats to my pledge sisters :) Being active is a beautiful thaaang. Had so much fun dancing with my girls. I looooved it. After that, we headed home and made it just in time for my Big Bro's MIMG Graduation the following morning at 9AM! Whooo, congratulations big bro! I am so so so proud of you :) Afterwards, we all went to eat at Kedo's for sushi. Gaaah, I love eating good food, in nice places with nice people! Went back to UCLA to work my discount. Chilled with Sy & his fam. or should I say his army of family. Hahaha then chilled at Carol's till mi madre came. Didn't get home till late from LA but since then I've slept what seems like 19 weeks of what I've missed out on and it feels ridiculously good to finally get rest. Yesterday, I ate at Barona with the fams and thoroughly enjoyed ourselves to the point where I literally fell asleep from a food coma and woke up three hours later. Hahaha. So that's been summer so far and I am already in love with it.

On another tangent, at church yesterday, in one of the readings of Matthew 10 there were was a passage that said,"Without cost you have received, without cost you are to give." Selflessnessis something I admire so much about people and something I would like to practice more in my life. Some of the people I want to be most like give so much of themselves, their talents, their love, their possessions to help other people and I think its so admirable. I think we get so caught up in money and having material possessions when really, the Lord has blessed us with so much already, it is only necessary that we give just as much as we have received. None of these material possessions will go with us when we pass anyway right?

OH and one more thing, at 5:01 today, I will have another reason to LOVE San Diego. Today, they will be lifting the ban on same sex marriages! Yay for PROGRESS.

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