cali girl with new york dreams and libra tendencies.
Lover of travel, coffee, writing, community service, fashion, dessert, humanity, culture, art and live music.

A snapshot of my daily moments and musings that bring me closer to my dreams.
& some visual imagery to soothe my creative side.

get at me:

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Carpe Diem.

Today was an exceptionally good day. I went to my womens studies lecture, work, my latin american history discussion and back home for a very very rare night of rest & relaxation. So I caught up on MTB4, tried to read up on the election, took a nap, now I am wide AWAKE and planning on watching... PROJECT RUNWAY! Haha. Trust me, this is the last and only day I'll allow myself to indulge on my guilty pleasure until finals, so I am savoring every moment of it.

Speaking of which, I realize that I don't want my life EVER to be controlled by school and work. As much as they are important and essential to my success in the future, I think to let life pass you by because your too worried about shit that will eventually come full circle is not the way to hang. I honestly and truly believe that what is meant will be and not to say that you shouldn't be pro-active in trying to make those things happen for yourself because I'm ALL for that, but even if your best isn't good enough, its the fact that you put your best out there that matters. I am really over negativity that unravels all the hard work you put in because of one mistake. If you fail, stumble, or fall on this path, you just need to dust it off, stand tall with your chin up and keep it moving. Enough compounding negative situations that only serve to REGRESS backward instead of PROGRESS forward. It's all about ACCEPTANCE!

On another note..I love it when innocence catches you off guard and reminds you of how sweet life is... I was walking today back to my room, while I ate my Toll House ice cream sandwich (they are the best and I'm addicted!) and reading the newest Newsweek highlighting Hillary Clinton (which has several essays on her, and how gender and class are all important factors in this election for anyone interested --> much inspired by my womens studies class! I'm telling you.. that class has really made me more critical and inquisitive about EVERYTHING!) -- aaand this little boy, his little sister and dad were watching a man play with his dog from afar. And the little boy goes, "Dad, I can see his penis!!" with the most innocent and mischievous little face that I couldn't help but appreciate. His dad and I both looked at each other and laughed out loud.. I miss innocence so much and I love seeing kids who are just living everyday without a worry in the world. Much like this picture I came across.. these kids have no fucking idea that they are taking a picture with a potential president or even have the slightest idea of the history that he & Hillary are making for our generation.. that kid with her mouth agape is so freakin cute!

On a completely separate note,, I realize one of the few reasons why I enjoy working at the store are the Japanese tourists!! The past few days we've gotten bus loads of Japanese tourists and even though they come in usually wearing their school uniforms, they do NOT lack in the sneaker & bag department! I get so mesmerized by their sense of fashion and how it seems so natural to them that they have such sick attire! Hahaha, but there are boys rocking Supreme &Nike bags, girls wearing kicks I've never seen before, sick ass watches, Louis Vuitton wallets, etc. etc. It's ridiculous, but i love it!

Anyway, that is enough rambling for today..
Here is some spoken word Catrina and I were watching..
Her words speak volumes for women...


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