cali girl with new york dreams and libra tendencies.
Lover of travel, coffee, writing, community service, fashion, dessert, humanity, culture, art and live music.

A snapshot of my daily moments and musings that bring me closer to my dreams.
& some visual imagery to soothe my creative side.

get at me:

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

God is good.

  1. Keyshia Cole - You Complete Me; I'm excited for the new album to drop, this girl ALWAYS delivers. She is raw as hell, can't go wrong with that. I still remembered when her last album dropped, Trin & I were on our headphones, back to back, doin some late late night studyin, just JAMMIN to it. I miss that girl.
  2. Went thrifting today and I got a total of six items for $13.96. Ridiculous, I know.
  3. I am really thankful for life, I can't stress that enough. I feel like the skies are clearing and everyday God is letting me know, that it's gonna be alright. I know a lot of life comes down to choice and the outcome of our choices. & Even though I feel like I've made a series of bad choices that I've had to pay for, or even, had to feel the results of other peoples bad choices, I'm letting go of it all & making better choies now. More importantly, forgiving myself and everyone else who has hurt me, and just letting it all fall by the way side. Because truly...
    I wake up every morning feeling rejuvinated, optimistic and joyful to be alive & healthy. We're all put into hard places in life, some harder than others, sometimes to the point where shit is. just. fucked. up and you just want to give up. But I've learned NEVER to be jealous of anyone elses life or even bother comparing mine to anyone elses. Everyone's got some fucking problems, some hide it better than others, some have come to terms with thiers, some haven't... but I find that all the stuff you go through in life (& I mean real shit, and not petty BS) makes your story and existence unique from anyone elses. I love the life I have and everything it took to get me and my fams here, to this point, right now. I'm not ashamed, embarrased, resentful, regretful, or even jealous of some other person's seemingly perfect life. Everyone and I mean everyone is gonna have their day to shine. Belieeeve that. I do!
  4. Current Read: The Time Traveler's Wife, finally!
  5. I'm going on an adventure this weekend (!!!)
  6. Gotta keep it movin people!
Miss Beyonce on Tyra. Tyra cracks me up though, foreal.

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