cali girl with new york dreams and libra tendencies.
Lover of travel, coffee, writing, community service, fashion, dessert, humanity, culture, art and live music.

A snapshot of my daily moments and musings that bring me closer to my dreams.
& some visual imagery to soothe my creative side.

get at me:

Saturday, October 4, 2008


Common, like Will Smith, can never do me wrong!!

Btw, I just saw that Diddy video that was practically ridiculing Governor Sarah Palin I can't help but notice the questionable path the media is taking on trying to bank on everything Sarah Palin. I don't personally support Sarah Palin, but as a woman and as a human being, a lot of what has been airing, has been to me, uncalled for.

First, I don't understand what is so important about playing videos of her in a swimsuit during her pageant days. I just don't understand the relevance as to how that will let the public be able to "get to know her" other than give our mysogynistic and sexist ass society another reason to make her an object to be gawked at and not taken seriously. Yes, I know her past interviews haven't given us much reason to take her seriously, but still, she is a woman to be respected.

Second, I'm no expert in journalism, but watching Katie Couric's interviews with Sarah Palin, did anyone else notice the OBVIOUS bias against Sarah Palin she came into the interviews with?? It's a KNOWN fact that Governor Sarah Palin is not as experienced as those surrounding her, but what is the NEED to keep hounding her with questions that Katie Couric is smart enough to know the woman didn't have an answer to the first time she was asked (i.e, Supreme Court rulings). Even better, what does it matter what newspapers / publications she reads? And to ask her three times? I didn't see her asking that to Senator Joe Biden. I understand, these are things she should have knowledge of, and yes, there is no excuse for it as a candidate for Vice President and potentially President... I get that, but whatever happened to being fair and balanced? I don't know, I may be wrong in this... but I just wasn't feelin it!

Anywaaay, today was a good day. I love spending time with my Dad. :) Sales, rainy weather & coffee. twas a perfect night considering how ridiculously emotional I have been lately. && Hazelnut Lattes from Coffee Bean are my new obsession!!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Interesting post bout Palin, though I'd have to disagree. Check out the following vids/articles.

let's dialogue. Mic