cali girl with new york dreams and libra tendencies.
Lover of travel, coffee, writing, community service, fashion, dessert, humanity, culture, art and live music.

A snapshot of my daily moments and musings that bring me closer to my dreams.
& some visual imagery to soothe my creative side.

get at me:

Thursday, August 7, 2008

real quick..

One of the main things I do when I'm at work is people watch! And its amazing the things you notice when you allow yourself to be a part of the background and watch people act in their normal manner and the way they treat other people. Lets just say it has definitely made me look at myself and become more aware of the person that I am.

One thing I noticed is that I absolutely cannot stand people who are full of themselves. Its funny the roles people put upon themselves and the amount so many people enjoy talking about themselves! All of a sudden you are the worker and they are the consumer with money who has to service to their bullshit complaints. I can't stand people who complain about the prices of things we sell at the shop, in front of my face. It's not even my own shop but no one forced them to give an arm and a leg to buy something. I swear, my mom and the other realtors at the office the other day had a convo with the conclusion that "rich" people are the most stingy motherfuckers ever, with an exception of a few.

But other than that, my job is pretty cool. At the shop downtown, I work by myself, play Lauryn Hill & Billie Holiday on repeat during every shift, and meet a whole bunch of the downtown folk who frequent 5th ave. Almost daily, Merlin visits me, who is a landlord at one of the apartments downtown and has been sober for 11 years. I am proud of him and feel bad when I can't find the words to say to him sometimes because I know his intentions are good and he cares a lot about people. Then theres the guy next door who owns a domesticated rat. yes, a rat. I just thought that was so off the wall. Then I have a coworker Jessica who I think is awesome. She is from New York with a boyfriend in the military and is making ends meet with two jobs. She is a redhead, with the cutest dog on the face of the earth and is really witty, which I love. My boss is also Jen, who has seen me on a bad day and gave me the advice I give everyone but sometimes forget to tell myself..."It's okay, this will make you stronger in the end." She's awesome and has the kind of humor that you have to understand right off the bat, or else you'd hate her. But yea, after work, I walk around downtown annnnnd love it. Especially on those nights where I'm super tired.. the energy of downtown always rejuvinates me. People should appreciate SD a lot more, if you get out of your comfort zone and allow yourself to explore... you'll really find some real treasures downtown.

So that's been my life so far. I finished Sociology at Mesa (finally!) because that class was going to kill me having to wake up at 8AM everyday. It was fairly easy and met a handful of awesome people also. I was busy doing Chi Delta Theta stuff for a hot one and that was fucking awesome also. We are destined to do great things with this organization, I know it... I knew it since the day I met these 9 amazing women. When planning, I try to remind myself to not compare, not judge, not be influenced by what anyone else is doing in the Greek world. We are given a chance to make a change and determined to follow through with our plan. Just gotta stay PASSIONATE about what you believe in. Foreal.

MM, what else is up. My dear friends Devika and Catrina are going to be world traveling soon. Devika to India and Catrina to Costa Rica. I am so excited and happy for them to be in wonderful, inspiring places that will allow their SOULS to grow even more beautiful than they already are. Those women have been through it ALL, they are the most deserving for a break!
But I gotta cut this short. I'm still alive folks and wish I could write more about whats been on my mind but i will finish later..

Btw, check out EyeASage, Hopie Spitshard... two female Filipina emcees from SF. && Mutya Buena, a filipina singer from london. Gotta support our fellow WOMEN... FILIPINA women at that.

Stay focused ya'll. Do youuuuu always. Keep positive.

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