cali girl with new york dreams and libra tendencies.
Lover of travel, coffee, writing, community service, fashion, dessert, humanity, culture, art and live music.

A snapshot of my daily moments and musings that bring me closer to my dreams.
& some visual imagery to soothe my creative side.

get at me:

Sunday, December 27, 2009

count your blessings.

The new year is approaching and I couldn't be any more pumped. I've been reflecting a lot on this past year and though there were some incredible lows and a lot more overcoming than I had anticipated... it was also a whirlwind of triumphs, success, forgiveness and growth.

Some highlights of my year include (in no particular order) :

1) Making it into my final year of COLLEGE! ThankGod.

2) Crossing of my kids, Alpha Class! -- One of the most magical experiences that few are lucky to experience. For a couple months of challenges, stress and sacrifice, I was given a LIFETIME of proud moments to share with my six kids.

3) Elected as President of Chi Delta Theta, Zeta Colony --One of my biggest goals in college fulfilled. A learning experience of responsibility, growth, leadership and adversity. A challenge I appreciate everyday for the lessons I continually get out of this position.

4) Summer with Brit, Mal & Devika. Girlfriends I'll cherish for life, so many life lessons learned this summer.

5) Accomplishment after balancing a GOOD Magazine internship + Primitive Shoes internship + back to back summer sessions, 2 classes each + President. = So much growth and insight into what I am truly capable of.

6) Getting hired at Primitive & joining the Primitive family. My brothers for life. I have one of the dopest jobs on earth!

7) Family triumphs, stability and happiness. You really have to feel the bad to really appreciate the good.

8) WALKING AGAIN & coming back to school. 1 Year anni. of my accident. Celebration and renewed appreciation for this LIFE and taking care of my Self.

9) Finding God once again in my life. Being away from your support system sometimes throws you for a loop, but I'm in a good, safe and happy place now.

10) Rebuilding friendships. --One of the most trying times of my life, but a good laugh now and something I'm glad I learned to get over and understand for what its worth.

honorable mentions: 21st birthday!!!, countless amazing souls I've met this year, Maxwell concert!, being a part of SPCN for the first time, Erykah Badu and Mos Def concert, converting to a MAC, Maloof Money Cup with Primitive fam, quitting my job at the bookstore!!!, VEGAS with my SD loves!!!!!!, moving into my apartment with Devika!, constant growth and maturity, and soooo many more.

& know that...You're gonna let yourself down more times than you want and some of the people that you love the most are going to let you down too, but we must DANCE and LAUGH through life and never carry the weight of our disappointments to keep us from believing, hoping, wishing, and working as hard as we do. -me.

list your blessings & live your life!

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