cali girl with new york dreams and libra tendencies.
Lover of travel, coffee, writing, community service, fashion, dessert, humanity, culture, art and live music.

A snapshot of my daily moments and musings that bring me closer to my dreams.
& some visual imagery to soothe my creative side.

get at me:

Friday, May 29, 2015


One thing I love most about my 20′s is the unlearning of so many things I once considered truth. I was listening to a new podcast referred to me by a friend (Another Round with Heben & Tracy --they’re hilarious!) and I resonated with their discussion of unlearning. Maybe it’s the environments we were born in or how small our world view is when we’re younger, but now that I’m going on 27 (holy shit), my understanding of the world has been flipped upside down in many (good) ways.

When you’re younger, I think there are too many things out there fighting for your attention and not enough life experience to help you figure it out. We don’t really KNOW what IS going to happen until it happens right? You have parents, family, society, friends all shaping your idea of the future and you subconsciously make a plan for what life should be like. Truth is, everything changes once that thing that you hypothesize in your brain, actually happens and you’re forced to face REAL LIFE and navigate that world.

 Don’t we all imagine what kind of parent we want to be, until we actually become one and shit gets real? Or don’t we all have our long standing truths about religion and faith until our heart is opened to a whole new way of thinking that makes you question what you thought you knew? Maybe you imagined that you’d never settle down at a certain age and then you find yourself actually settling down because you found love earlier than expected.

 This past weekend, I spent countless wonderful hours catching up with girlfriends and just talking about so many different topics. I have two friends in grad school, one who is pregnant with her first child and me who just bought a house. Our talks spanned from pregnancy, being a woman in the work place, religion, relationships, in-laws, real estate, grad school, everyyything. I loved it because it summed up this time of my life perfectly. It’s full of uncertainty, it’s all over the place, but I wouldn’t have it any other way.

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