cali girl with new york dreams and libra tendencies.
Lover of travel, coffee, writing, community service, fashion, dessert, humanity, culture, art and live music.

A snapshot of my daily moments and musings that bring me closer to my dreams.
& some visual imagery to soothe my creative side.

get at me:

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Law Of Attraction, Revisited

So I was at work today, letting Youtube videos play in the background of my already messy workspace and started watching some of Oprah's old special on the book/DVD, The Secret. I've read this book before and heard a lot about the law of attraction, but not until today did I actually stop and reflect on how this law of the universe sincerely has played a part on the past year of my life.

So yes, our thoughts and our feelings are what we attract into our lives. The images, books, people, atmosphere that we surround ourselves are what fill our thoughts and in turn what we radiate out into the universe. So obviously if we allow ourselves to constantly think negatively, in self doubt, and unworthiness, you better be damn sure those feelings will expand.  Which moves me right along to the next topic...

What you focus on expands... ..Ah HA moment! When I heard this, though it's such a simple statement, I thought about everything I've been focusing on and finally started seeing why things unfolded as they did. I'll keep it at that!

Another thing they talked about was forgiveness... "giving up the hope that the past could be different." Light bulb moment right there. Forgiveness shouldn't be a heart-wrenching moment, it should be a moment of gratitude... Thank you for the experience... I'm a better person because of it and I don't wish the past to be any different. Talk about bringing peace to the matter. Despite still feeling hurt in my heart, when you come to terms that things are exactly they way they should be... it's fucking liberating.

You cannot expect anyone to honor you if you don't honor yourself. Especially in relationships, sometimes we forget who we are and what we should be reciprocated because we're trying to please. Never do that, you are left with nothing in the end.

Anyway, these were all words that spoke so directly to me today that I had to share. If you really stop and think about whether or not you are conscious about what you are thinking.. it really will surprise you.. especially with how (unknowingly) negative they can be.

I'm really trying to make a conscious effort now to surround myself with great, loving people, to keep moving forward with my life and fill it with positivity and progression. I cannot be expecting anything good to come my way when I'm too preoccupied with the past. Gotta let it go!

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